Ďakujem mojim klientom za dôveru a dlhodobú príjemnú spoluprácu.

  • Spolupráca so Zuzkou nám priniesla úplne nový pohľad na cudzí jazyk.

    Jej osobnosť, cit, nadšenie pre výučbu a individuálny prístup nás nadchol hneď pri prvom stretnutí. Vedeli sme, že sme našli presne to, čo sme hľadali.

    Je neskutočne trpezlivá a už dávno to nie je len o konverzácii v angličtine. Je partnerom pre HR a má cit pre soft skills. Vie ponúknuť oveľa viac ako len cudzí jazyk.

    Je mi potešením, že som ju spoznala a doporučujem jej profesionálny prístup. U nás spôsobila revolúciu vo výučbe angličtiny. 😉

    Andrea Kurucová, HR Manager, Slovak Parcel Service s.r.o.

  • I fully recommend Zuzana in the area of English language diagnostics and development

    We did many projects together and on top of standard outputs she is able to motivate for development such people, who tried to start learning English more than 10 time without success and now they were able to start again - and successfully!


    Michal Bača, Psychologist at psychologickesluzby.sk

  • I’ve been an individual cllient of Zuzana for around two years.

    Zuzana is highly capable in identifying my language gaps and adjust the program of each lesson accordingly.

    Moreover, she’s always flexible to support ad hoc if I need a language advice for any task/project.

    The lessons are lively, no chance to get bored!

    Lenka Kostková, Regional Medical Director, Oncology EMEA, Merck KGaA

  • Zuzana and I have cooperated for over 10 years now, and I appreciate our cooperation being based on values of mutual importance

    Her personal approach, comprehensive preparation and interactive sessions have led to a highly beneficial experience for the client.

    As a supplier of corporate language education, Zuzana has shown the ability to interlink her focus on professional English with a focus on soft skills, which accounts for a complex development activity.

    Zuzana has easily and with a positive approach dealt with demanding challenges such as a language audit and diagnostics for 300 employees with varied language proficiency and specialization.

    Through her language sessions, Zuzana is able to fruitfully contribute to shaping and strengthening a corporate culture.

    Valéria Kormanová, HR Director, PPA Controll a.s.

  • I have worked with Zuzana on a number of collaborations in the fields of English language teaching and learning for several years.

    I have always been enormously impressed by her professional approach to her work and particularly by the generosity with which she has contributed her time and focussed commitment to each project - large or small.

    She is a person of exceptional intellectual stamina and has always demonstrated a remarkable sense of duty towards her clients. I understand that she is currently developing her career further through consultancy work with a particular focus on corporate language training English for Specific Purposes and language assessment.

    I recommend her without reservation, not only for her undoubted expertise in these areas but also for her interpersonal skills and her care for colleagues and clients. On a personal level, I look forward to future possible collaborations with her.

    Ray Parker, free-lance consultant

  • I worked together with Zuzana when I was a language trainer for her company in Bratislava, delivering corporate language programmes.

    She has a warm, lively personality and sense of humour that complements her very accomplished teaching style. She embodies professionalism, is focussed on the client experience and designs bespoke courses that meet client needs.

    One notable project on which we collaborated was a 10-week Negotiation skills course for a leading Slovak bank, a demanding course which delivered not only the language to allow our clients to negotiate more confidently with their international colleagues, but also the core behavioural and cultural awareness skills that are integral to successful negotiating.

    The course was very positively received by the bank, especially for the business-specific case studies and was rolled out successfully to other groups in the bank.

    Zuzana is a real anglophile and has genuine curiosity and enthusiasm to understand the cultural nuances and finer points of English, to a much deeper level than many native speakers!

    I would thoroughly recommend Zuzana as a language trainer.

    John Maidment, transformationallife coach and Business English teacher

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